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Have you ever heard a successful person say “I just stumbled on it” or “I didn’t really plan things this way”? (Well I have.) Nonetheless, things worked out for their good. My belief is that everything really does happen for a reason and that there are no accidents. Of course you’ve heard this before, but do YOU believe it?

Successful people always have an intention of success, regardless of how specific or vague it may be. Specific intentions often work out manifesting in alignment to what was envisioned, but even non-specific intentions can manifest in alignment with the intention. Compare the following examples.

The famous singer Shakira vividly saw and experienced herself performing on stage in front of thousands, and kept on visioning that for herself until her powerfully specific intention manifested exactly as she saw it.

Taylor Swift, by contrast, insists her youthful singing career was an accident. But was it an accident that she put her songs on her MySpace page, which her many friends copied to their profiles? Her talent and positive attitude caused their relatives and their friends to follow suit in a giant chain reaction. By the time she had her first interview with a radio station, her grassroots base catapulted her into a successful career. It was her intention of success by positivity that caused it to occur.

You may not know how your success will manifest, but it doesn’t matter. As long as you hold a consistent intention of success, the universe will give it to you because you always attract more of what you already feel.

One last thought: don’t forget that God wants you to succeed, just as a parent wants their children to succeed. Enlightenment does not preclude success – it predicts it!